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Some things you might be wondering about are answered below.

How often are the ratings updated?

There is a daily process that runs in the early morning hours each day. Occassionally there are issues and fixes are made during the day, but generally the ratings reflect games played through the previous day.

What goes into the ratings? How are they determined?

Only the current season counts. The teams, score, and home court are really the only things that matter. The score is adjusted for the number of possessions, though. It doesn't make a difference if a team was up 20 the whole game and won by 1 or hit a buzzer beater to come back and win by 1. Just the final result.

How are the predictions determined?

A machine learning algorithm looks at team ratings, home court, past matchups, offense/defense ratings, pace, etc. Nothing too outside-the-box. Surprisingly, this fairly simple algorithm lands with similar numbers to Vegas point spreads and BPI win probabilities.

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